Recently I have been into help Lee and Dan - Special Projects. They are such good fun to work with, have a real quirky sense of humour and are so passionate about the work they do. They also work really well together and create an amazing creative atmosphere.
The above image is the cover for their dvd's when they send out showreels, I think its great - you can cut it out and make it into a building - design by Natasha Shah.
The importance of a solid idea.
Don't try to put all of the details together too soon. They work on post-it notes during the intial phase of ideas, they do not allow themselves to go further than this stage unless they establish whether it has legs. (cue a nice illustration idea - post soon)

Today I've began with some researching, the specific type of advertising that Lee and Dan are involved requires you to be aware of everything that is going on at the moment in all disciplines, they have their ears to the ground the whole time and are incredible resources for cool new videos, music, graphics, and concept generation.
As with most adverts about specific issues or things, you need to know your subject through and through, therefore alot of research goes into processing ideas. Its amazing how one little fact can be the seed for a whole idea.
So as we processed the research and edited what was relevant for the brief, we sat down for awhile to chat ideas through and see if there was anything in them. As Lee and Dan are quite unique in the adverts they produce, mostly because they work with creating a Viral in mind, in their nature they can't help but try and push boundaries, however they tended to reign themselves in occassionally as some of their ideas may have just been over the line even to pitch.
I then created a few pages, highlighting some of the key research and then pitched up some ideas writing about their concept through to execution options. I think this has helped structuring ideas for a client, allowed me to develop my writing skills for this specific type of format.
One of my favourite things about working for Lee and Dan is this bookshelf - it houses some of the best design and advertising books, and of course all the cool toys and robots.

Shall be seeing them again soon, after they have pitched. The experience of helping with an idea I find really rewarding as potentially something you may suggest could be used in the final viral. Its a bit like a relay, often somebody says something then another person picks it up later and adds a new ingredient into the recipe.
Check out their virals :

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